ICVL Commitment:
- Safety, Health and welfare of its employees, contractors and those who visit its operations and live in the surrounding communities;
- Preserve the environment and comply with National Legislation and respect local customs and cultures;
- Establish Health Safety and Environmental Goals and dedicate resources to manage health, safety and environmental performance;
ICVL Guiding Principles:
- Health, Safety and Environmental Management are integrated in the business and supports excellent business results;
- Hazards identification and risk assessments are the foundation for a successful HSE management in the Company;
- Prevent work place accidents and mitigate negative environmental and health impacts are the core values of the Company;
- Impart training to employees and contractors in health, safety and environmental management to ensure compliance to the National Legislation
- Enhance HSE through employee participation in HSE activities, committees and other initiatives;
- Enforce responsibility and accountability of all Employees in maintaining HSE Standards;
- Establish measurable objectives and targets for improving HSE performance;
- Embed continual improvement;
Management Responsibility
- Management is fully committed and accountable to implement and communicate this policy to employees, contractors, suppliers, local community and visitors;
- Management will create a company culture and environment that supports the implementation of this policy at all levels of the organization;
- This policy will be reviewed periodically in order to ensure compliance with relevant legislation;